Our Values
How we live out our call as disciples
Upward: Right Relationship with God
John 4:24 explains to us that “God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” As a gathering of believers, we seek to be worshippers both in spirit and in truth.
We take Paul’s instructions found in Romans 12:1 to live our lives in consecration and holiness to heart. Our worship is so much more than the songs that we sing, but our true worship is found in the lives that we lead.
Every time we gather together we give time to lifting up our hearts and our voices in praise and worship to God, rooted in the Truth of who God is and what He has done for us.
Every time we gather together, we practice and encourage each other to devote ourselves to prayer, both corporately and individually. We do this not only because prayer is something we have been instructed to be devoted to, but because we believe that prayer is the means by which we see the power of God at work in our lives and in the world around us. Whether healing, provision, wisdom or the salvation of the lost, we believe that God does not only delight in our prayers, but that He actually moves in power though partnership with the prayers of His people.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and that it is not only the final authority in our lives as followers of Jesus, but also that in our devotion to it, we will grow in our maturity as believers. For that reason, every time we gather, we work to practice and equip one another to be devoted to God’s Word, both corporately and individually.
Inward: Right Relationship with Others
We understand that in discipleship, just as in parenting, you reproduce who you are. For that reason, we believe that before we lead others, we must lead ourselves and our families well. Every time we gather, we work to spur one another on to live out our love and obedience to Christ, not only when we are together but also everywhere else we find ourselves.
As the body of Christ we understand that we have been invited to join in the mission of God, seeking and saving the lost. This invitation is not only for us as individuals, but it is to be most fully lived out together as a spiritual family.
We believe that true unity is not found in an ideology or in the plans of man, but in submitting ourselves to God’s Word and graciously calling others to do the same.
We believe that the more than 50 “one another” commands given by God throughout the New Testament are the practical way that we have been called to live out right relationships with one another. For that reason, as we gather together, we seek to live out these commands.
Over and above seeking to create excellent experiences or environments, we seek to boldly equip, empower, and release each person into using their spiritual gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ and furtherance of the Gospel.
Outward: Right Relationship with the World
We know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of salvation for all who believe. For that reason, as we gather we not only continually remind ourselves of the ongoing power of the Gospel in our lives, but we also spur one another on to live ready to share this good news with anyone who will listen.
Whether in our gatherings or in the workplace, we strive to always be ready to testify to the goodness and mercy that God has shown us.
While our highest ambition is to see many people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, we also believe that Jesus has called us to seek the good of the city in which He has placed us. We believe that as followers of Jesus, our lives are marked with the same love and compassion that Jesus showed for the lost, hurting, and broken.
We believe that the most effective way to see the Gospel reach our community is not through building one large gathering, but to see gatherings and disciples multiplying across our communities.
We believe that as followers of Jesus we are all included in the Great Commission. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a school teacher, or a factory worker, we believe that each of us has been anointed and strategically placed to lead others to the knowledge of Jesus.